Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Take Some Risks

Some people know the details of this post well, some don't but I believe you will get a sense of what has happened.  When as a first time lead pastor you experience tremendous growth in a church and think it's the right time to expand so you take some steps forward in the process, only to realize it wasn't the right time, well, IT STINKS.  That was a risk I took almost 2 years ago when incredible things were happening at Velocity Church and we were running out of space.  With 100% board support (because no one said no) and 100% church support (because no one said no), we began the process of a building expansion.  Long story short, we got some concept drawings done, we didn't go in any debt, no finances were improperly handled and we never broke ground but I did make one VERY COSTLY mistake.  I got focused on planning a project and forgot about pastoring people.  As time passed...it blew up.  I was convicted of using the project for self validation and got prideful.  God wasn't going to allow that to happen.  When a church you pastor, ministry you lead or company you run sees tremendous growth in a short time, it's fun and you really enjoy it. However, if things don't move forward correctly then you need to get ready for chaos to ensue, know that people will question YOU (not what you did), and you will likely see  your "dreams" or "success"  crash HARD.  For me, I handled some things wrong.  I admitted that publicly and repented before God and the church I lead.  I'm sure I hurt some people in the process.  MANY people left the church because well, their pastor messed up.  If you're reading this and you attend a church, don't expect perfection from your pastor.  Extend the same grace to them they do to you time and time again.

For many people, they ask what's the big deal, Bill? You always take risks. They would be right because I jumped out of a perfectly good plane in 2015 and had an incredible skydiving experience.  I am that guy that will do about anything once that isn't illegal and doesn't cross my spiritual or moral convictions.  Well, since last December, I haven't been that risk taker. As a matter of fact, I have begun to put up some guards. Some of those guards are ok...but most were put up out of selfishness and hurts. Hurts that shouldn't really be hurts at all.  I guess I have played it "safe" since December.  I have kept some people at a distance. I have neglected to provide leadership at times. I've been hesitant to allow people to help me with ministry because of a fear they may leave me high and dry.

I had lunch with a good friend and mentor a few weeks ago.  He was concerned for me.  He has watched me pastor Velocity Church and has even been there to coach me through a few things.  He asked me a question that struck me hard.  He asked, "Have you taken any risks since everything went down?  I asked that because you didn't get where you got by playing things safe."   Only a few days later, God began to speak to me about the first risk I needed to take and man did I argue with him.  As God would have it, Sunday August 30th, I took my first ministry risk in a long time.  What was the risk...I shared VERY openly about the Struggle In My Own Mind the last 9 months as part of our #StrengthInTheStruggle series.  (You can catch the video here: http://www.wearevelocity.church/sermons/strength-in-the-struggle/ )  I was open about why I have been playing it safe.

The big risk came when I invited up people to pray for God's power to be released and I didn't "pre-select" them .  I simply called for people to come up who were willing to pray for others that had been Baptized in the Holy Spirit.  I am telling you...God moved in incredible ways.  I love Pentecost.  I love when the Gifts of the Spirit happen.  At the same time, I have seen some weird stuff in my 17 years as a Christian, so I have guarded against some of that happening at Velocity by being very picky about who and how we pray.  Don't get me wrong, I know God does some amazing things.  I also know people do some weird stuff and say they "Experienced The Holy Spirit", giving credit to The Holy Spirit.  Sorry but my Bible doesn't have the Holy Spirit acting a fool or being some weirdo.  He is powerful.  He is incredible.  He is full of compassion but He is no weirdo.

We had an incredible altar experience.  Yes I gave some instruction on how people needed to pray for people but asked that they pray with POWER and BELIEF.  God is doing something new in me and at Velocity Church.  I have been troubled and challenged by a lack of SIGNS not following me (Mark 16:15-20).  I thank GOD that on 4 separate occassion by 4 different men,  I was challenged with a simple principle.  Basically, "Christian, you can see those same signs happening in your life."  My cry, my focus, my prayer, my HEART now is that people begin coming to Velocity Church because of miracles, signs and wonders...NOT some nice worship experience, a good sermon or incredible kids stuff.  So, take it from me...Take Some Risks.
