Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Get Out Of The Church


Yes...I've been away for a few years but I had to put blogging on the back burner for awhile so here I go...
This is a word to my fellow pastors and ministry leaders though in reality, any believer in Christ could model this in their lives to reach more people for the Kingdom of God.
Pastors...can I encourage you to NOT think of your role as shepherd and leader to strictly ministry or "spiritual" things? What are you good at that you can help others with? What is a passion of yours that you can share with others?

For me, I enjoy dabbling in some MINOR website design and "tech/online" stuff. There are two business owners in our church that I have come alongside to help them with some website matters. I assure you...for them, it is monumental because it helps them financially AND they are given opportunities to reach people for Jesus by praying with them, talking about how God impacts them and their client base receives the love of Jesus whether they realize it or not.

Youth football has been part of our family activities since my son started flag football in second grade; he will be a senior next year. Needless to say, our family knows our way around football from a fan, coaching and recently, an announcer standpoint. Parents, players, league members, fans have at one time another been around Jesus by being around me. I've spoke with moms raising boys on their own about my influence in their son's life. People have asked questions of faith or even walked in to church services because they knew me from a football field FIRST then knew me as a pastor.
Hebrews 13:16 (esv) Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. 
Philippians 2:4 (esv) Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Pastor, let me leave you with this thought; If your ministry ONLY happens in church, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!!

#ThinkOutsideTheBox #PreachJesusLovePeopleBeReal #GetOutOfTheChruch

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